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课程 & 需求

需求 for the 环境 and 可持续性研究 Minor

Minimum of 20 hours in core and elective courses.  At least two of the courses in the minor must be at the 200 level or above.  自然科学或非科学课程中的课程,如果不计入环境相关课程的要求,可以计入环境相关课程的要求.

1. 核心(一门课程)

ess - 101:介绍. to 环境 and 可持续性研究 (4.00)

Causes and effects of human incursion into natural systems. 社会考试, 政治, 生态学和进化原理下的伦理和经济问题与理论, with a goal of developing sustainable programs.

2. Natural Science, 环境 Focus 课程 (one course)

BIO-108: 环境 Biology/Lab (4.00)

介绍人类对生物和环境之间相互作用的影响. May not be used to fulfill the minimum requirements for the biology major. 3堂课,1堂课.


本课程采用生态学的方法来研究温带海洋生物, 亚热带的, 热带环境. 在春季学期, 学生将获得海洋生物学原理的基本理解,因为它适用于广泛的海洋生态系统, 并学习适合海洋环境比较调查的实地研究技术. 这些知识和技能将在夏季课程的实地研究部分中使用,学生将在佐治亚州海岸研究温带屏障岛海滩和盐滩生态系统, 热带珊瑚礁, 岩石的潮间带, and mangrove ecosystems on Roatan Island, 海湾岛, 洪都拉斯. 国际旅行部分和在罗阿坦岛进行水肺潜水需要支付特别费用. Consult with the Center for Global Learning for the application process and timeline. 只限14名学生. Prerequisite: One biology course and the instructor's permission.

Course requisites: One course in biology and permission of the instructor


Interactions of organisms with their abiotic and biotic environments. 从生态和环境的角度看人口、社区和生态系统. Laboratory and field studies, environmental analysis. 3堂课,1堂课.

课程要求:生物110,111 & one 200-level BIO course; BIO-108 is prereq for ESS minors; Mathematics 117, 118 or 119 recommended

3. Non-Science 环境ly Focused 课程 (one course)


ESS-202: Environ and Public Health Communication (4.00)

检查和发展与当前问题和争议相关的沟通实践. Focus on communication as related to public health, to the environment and sustainability, especially as directed to target populations and advocacy. Final project related to a student's academic interest. 与PH-202交叉上市.



宗教与生态是一门跨学科的课程,探讨世界宗教与自然的关系, 意义, 的地方, 和道德. Focus will be on notions of "the sacred earth,“与自然的精神接触, approaches to environmental crises 气候变化, 跨信仰合作, 女权主义ecotheologies, 以及可持续发展领域(食品), 土壤, 空气, 水, 能源, 生活方式, 技术, 未来, 等.). 这门课程是体验式的,并通过实地考察和演讲与当地环境团体建立联系. 与WS-210交叉上市.

ESS-295: Topics in 环境 Leadership (4.00)

环境领导主题——研究环境政策和有效应对当地面临的环境挑战的社会和政治方面所必需的领导技能, 国内和全球.


This course introduces students to the histories, 中心主题, 理论, and debates in environmental feminisms, ecofeminism, 女权主义政治生态学. We will employ an intersectional lens to examine how racism, 性别歧视, 异性恋主义, 帝国主义, 残疾歧视, 其他形式的压迫已经并将继续塑造环境话语. Possible topics include: histories and critiques of ecofeminism, 黑人女权主义和环保主义, 人类世的女权主义, back-to-land运动, 酷儿生态, 以及动物伦理. 与WS-315交叉上市.

Course requisites: WS-100 or ESS-101

ESS-395: Topics in Global 环境 Challenges (4.00)

主题在全球环境挑战-环境和可持续发展研究的高级主题, emphasizing the global aspects of such issues as population growth, availability of affordable clean 水, 食物来源和分配, 生物多样性的丧失, 能源生产和消费, 污染, 气候变化. May be repeated when topic changes and prerequisite/s vary. 描述 "THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY: GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN THE ANTHROPOCENE"人类对环境的影响如此之大,以至于一些科学家提议将我们当前的地质时期重新命名为“人类世”, 因为anthropos在希腊语中是人类的意思. This course uses a feminist lens to survey environmental issues around the globe, 包括粮食短缺, 气候变化, and industrial 污染 and the efforts being made to counteract these problems. 描述 “粮食生产”-检查我们目前的粮食生产系统,包括大型农业综合企业, 小农户, organic farming and the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers; economic issues such as processing, 航运, and marketing of food; as well as the health and sustainability of humans, 动物和自然环境.

Course requisites: ESS-101 or PH-101

ph -109:环境伦理(4).00)

An exploration of moral issues arising from relations among human beings, 非人类动物, 还有环境. Specific topics may include the value and moral standing of individuals, 物种, and ecosystems; biodiversity, 发展, and sustainability; and environmental justice and environmental racism.


一个跨学科的, 人类与地球上的自然环境和人造环境相互作用的科学调查, 以及人为压力源如何最终影响公众健康和环境质量. 自然环境和社会环境是个人和社区健康的重要决定因素. 接触化学物质, biological and physical agents can and do occur through the 空气, 水 and 土壤 that comprise our physical environment. 本课程的重点将放在描述(1)污染是什么以及它如何/为什么有害, (2) what the root sources and causes of 污染 are, (3) what happens to pollutants when they enter the environment, (4)在急性到慢性暴露期间,每种污染物类别如何影响个人和社区健康. 与ESS-331交叉上市.

Course requisites: Take PH-101 or ESS-101 for 环境 Health topic

4. 环境ly Related 课程 (two courses)



Cell biology, metabolism, genetics and phylogeny of bacteria and archaea. Introduction to eukaryotic microbes and viruses. Principles of pathogenesis, immunology and environmental microbiology. Applications in bio技术, medicine and industry. Individual laboratory project and use of representative literature in the discipline. 3堂课,1堂课.

Course requisites: BIO-110 and BIO-111


在数以百万计的现存和灭绝的动物物种中,超过95%的动物是没有脊椎的. 这些非凡的动物在进化和生存的过程中遇到了无数生理和生理上的挑战, 陆地和水生环境. Their evolution produced many different body plans and, 一路走来, "invented" significant systems such as brains, 骨架, 飞行机制, 水 balance and vascular systems and more. These evolutionary "inventions" led to the abundant diversity we have today. 本课程研究这些美丽而迷人的动物,以及它们如何在不同的环境中生存. It draws heavily on the themes of form, 功能与演变, and illustrates the importance of these animals for environmental stability, 作为生物研究的模式生物和为人类面临的问题提供创新解决方案的资源. 3堂课,1堂课.

Course requisites: BIO-192 Prerequisite

ECO-105: Introduction to Microeconomics (4.00)

微观经济学研究个人和企业如何通过市场配置稀缺资源. In addition to an introduction to microeconomics, this course examines topics such as monopoly and competition, taxes and government interventions in the economy, 以及国际贸易.

HIS-240: A History of Native Americans (4.00)

对信仰的检验, 从17世纪到现在北美土著群体的习俗和社会结构. Themes include: cultural diversity; European-American 帝国主义; environmental impacts; the politics and processes of "removal"; identity and citizenship; reservation life; and resistance.

MAT-325: Mathematical Models and Applications (4.00)

Development of techniques of model building. 应用程序来说明主要来自自然科学和社会科学的技术. 提供隔年.

Course requisites: 206 or 220 with a grade of C- or better


INTRODUCTION TO WORLD POLITICS--Major 发展s in world politics since 1945; the Cold War, 国际政治经济学, 对国家主权的挑战, 环境问题.

POL-207: Modern Political Thought (4.00)

对主要思想家的考察, 比如霍布斯, 洛克, 卢梭, •伍, 伯克, 机, 和马克思, whose ideas have shaped the politics and ideologies of the modern world. 我们还将考虑几个当代政治问题和评论员来说明这些现代理论家的持续影响.


经批准的4学分实习(ESS-450实习)或ess相关研究(ESS-440指导研究)可以代替上述第3类或第4类课程, depending on the subject and content of the internship or directed research. Please consult with the ESS program directors for planning and approval. 程序联合主任: Dr. Jennifer Kovacs(生物学) 博士和. Lauran Whitworth (Women's, Gender, and Sexuality 研究).
