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We recognize that it takes courage to leave family and friends to study in another country. 你决定去美国留学.S. 阿格尼斯·斯科特是非常值得赞扬的! 我们期待在秋天与您见面. 在那之前, use the information in the following sections to prepare you for the journey to your new home!

Please note that while we strive to keep all information found on our sites current and up-to-date, 我们强烈建议并鼓励学生浏览政府网站 最新的移民法规. 如需更多信息或具体问题,请联系 全球学习中心

国际苏格兰人抵达日: 2023年8月14日星期一

国际学生简介: 2023年8月15日周二至8月17日周四

遗产-新生导向: 2023年8月18日星期五至8月21日星期一 

在国际苏格兰人培训(ISO)期间, 你将有机会听到关于学术的重要信息, 住房, 餐, 保健服务和移民. Orientation will also give students the opportunity to get acquainted with the campus and to meet fellow international students. 定位后, 国际学生将与他们的2027届同学一起进行总体介绍.

We look forward to meeting and supporting you as you embark on your first year as an International Scottie!


  • 护照
  • 移民文件
  • 出生证明(及/或核证副本)
  • 财政支持文件
  • 足球波胆平台的录取通知书, 以及任何关于奖学金或经济援助给你的信件
  • 现金/借记卡/信用卡
  • Any medications you might need in the original prescription bottles (preferably enough to last you two months)
  • ASC入口健康记录
  • 过敏清单
  • 重要的电话号码和联系方式
    • 全球学习中心+1 404.471.5380
    • 足球波胆平台学院24小时公共安全+1 404.471.6355
  • 准备足够你用几天的衣物和洗漱用品,以防你的行李延误 
  • 电子产品, 比如笔记本电脑, digital cameras and cell phones (Note: Check the voltage requirements of all electronics that you bring. The voltage used in the United States is 110V so make sure your devices are compatible with that.)
  • 请查看详细的列表 带什么去大学 在宿舍生活办公室的网站上.


带上一些能代表你祖国或国籍的物品. 例如,音乐,民族服装,乐器工艺品或其他传统材料. You and your fellow students will have opportunities to share your culture and customs with the campus community. 带上你祖国的照片, 家乡, 你的家人和其他地方, 你爱的人和事. 很多人会问你关于你祖国的事,想看照片. 这些照片可以帮助你向新朋友描述你的家人和朋友, 当你想家的时候,他们会给你安慰和鼓励.


目的地: 哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊亚特兰大国际机场. (ATL)

地址:600 North Terminal Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30320


买了机票之后, please complete the travel and arrival form that will be sent to you at your richon-led.com的电子邮件. You'll also need to upload a detailed itinerary of your flight information including departure flight name, flight number and connection flight with the departure and arrival times in each city that is a part of your journey to Atlanta. You can indicate on the 旅行及抵港表格 if you would like transportation from the airport to campus. 但是,除非您填写并提交该表格,否则我们无法保证运输.

Shuttle services from the airport operate on moving day for international students only.


如果您提前到达,请点击这里获取地图和 校园路线.


  • 出租车
  • 超级 (提前下载应用)
  • Lyft (提前下载应用)
  • 火车: 玛尔塔 (最便宜):
    • 乘坐玛尔塔列车(GOLD)向北前往多拉维尔站.
    • 扣分5分.
    • 坐上开往迪凯特印第安溪站的蓝色列车.
    • 从迪凯特中转站下车.
    • 上楼去.
    • 右转,一直往下走 .5英里). You will see a small tunnel, go through it and 足球波胆平台学院 will be across the street.

As an international student, you need to maintain your 移民身份 while in the United States. Failure to maintain the terms and conditions of their F-1 status may be grounds for termination and your immediate return to your home country.

当你签署I-20或DS-2019时(交换学生), you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of your admission to the United States. 保持你的移民身份是你的责任. 你也有责任了解并遵守美国法律.S. 影响你的移民法规. 如有任何问题或疑虑,请立即联系您的移民顾问.

以免惹上任何法律问题, 在下列事项之前,请务必咨询国际学生顾问:

  • 降低课程负担 
  • 从大学退学
  • 从你的I-20上列出的更改你的专业或学习项目
  • 我正打算休假呢 
  • 您的i -20或DS-2019在您完成学位目标之前到期.e. 程序)
  • 在美国境外旅行(即使是短期旅行)
  • 寻找校外工作
  • 转学
  • 更改您的签证类别或美国签证.S. 移民身份

请务必向您的移民顾问咨询所有与移民相关的信息. 请不要向朋友、亲戚或同学求助. Remember each situation is unique to that individual and might not be the same as yours. 如有疑问,请立即发电子邮件向我们提问.


在ASC的四年里,你有资格参加课程实践培训(CPT)。. 毕业后,你可能有资格参加选择性实践培训(OPT)。. If you are looking for employment off-campus either during your four years or after graduation, 在接受任何提议之前,你必须得到批准.


Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a temporary employment authorization benefit extended to F-1 students in degree programs to gain practical experience that is directly related to their major field of study.

CPT在8 CFR 214中定义.2(f)(10)(i)作为“替代工作/学习”, 实习, 合作教育, or any other type of required 实习 or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school” and may be authorized for training that is an “essential part of an established curriculum.”


You may pursue either one of the following options for CPT to be considered an integral part of your curriculum:


Participating in an 实习 or practicum is a requirement of your program that is necessary for graduation.


如果你的项目没有要求实习或实习, you may be eligible for CPT if participating in practical training would be academically recommended to enhance and supplement your in-class learning. Academically recommended 实习s are approved through the Office of Internship and Career Development. 这些被批准的实习有相关的学分, which may be fulfilled in an 实习 class or sometimes with one-on-one 450 supervised 实习s with faculty.

CPT可以在秋季、春季或夏季学期进行. 可能是兼职,也可能是全职.


  • 累积的时间不影响可选实践
  • 每周20小时或更少
  • 学生可以选择每周在校内工作20小时.


  • 每周最多工作21- 40小时
  • Students who receive 365 days or more of full-time CPT at the same academic level are ineligible for Optional Practical Training (OPT). 
  • 参加全日制CPT课程的学生不得在校内工作.


如果你正在攻读cpt批准的实习,你必须注册学分. 另外, 如果你在秋季或春季学期参加CPT课程, 你必须在CPT期间保持全日制注册. If you are pursuing CPT over the summer semester but are not graduating in that summer semester, 你只需要参加实习课程. 然而, 如果你在暑假攻读CPT,并计划在同一个夏季学期毕业, 你将被要求保持全日制注册.

如果你有兴趣申请校外工作, you will need to contact your immigration adviser in advance of starting their employment for authorization.


Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a temporary employment benefit available for F-1 students who have been maintaining 移民身份. Its purpose is to give students the opportunity to work off-campus and gain work experience in a field directly related to the student’s course of study. Employment is limited to a total of twelve months for each degree level and may be granted after completion of studies. OPT的资格必须首先由你的移民顾问决定. 如果符合条件, OPT is then endorsed on the student’s Form I-20 and sent as part of an application packet to a designated US Citizenship and 移民 Services (USCIS) office for adjudication. 请与您的移民顾问联系,了解OPT的更多信息.


学生在申请时必须持有有效的F-1签证. Students must have been enrolled on a full-time basis for one academic year before making an application.

每个更高级别的学生有资格获得一年的OPT. 这意味着你可以申请一年的学士学位OPT, 硕士水平一年, 博士阶段是一年. 学生可以在毕业前90天申请. 申请必须在毕业后60天内由USCIS收到.

申请OPT, please contact your immigration advisor and you will receive instructions on how to apply and how to complete the application before sending it off.


STEM选修实践训练(OPT), 也被称为“STEM扩展”,是将毕业后可选实习训练(OPT)延长24个月。. A STEM extension is available to F-1 students who are currently on post-completion OPT, 获得了科学领域的合格学位, 技术, 工程, 或数学(STEM),其就业符合额外要求.
